to Japanese


Glass Beads (≒14~0.6mmφ)

  • This material creates various expressions by using glass beads of different particle sizes and shapes.

  • Accent

Glass Beads(≒1.0 – 0.25mmφ)

  • This material is made of fine glass beads added through a special process. These glass beads create glossy and sharp designs in our Wallcoverings products.

  • Accent

Artificial Stone

  • Natural Recycle

    This material is obtained by pulverizing the insulating materials formed from the resin made of pulverized muscovite. It can be colored or made semi-transparent, to give off a random glossy finish.

  • Accent


  • Natural Recycle

    This material is made from pulverized gemstone, which expands when subjected to heat – similar to a corn kernel turning into popcorn. It is then pulverized again, turning into a soft flake-shaped material. This gives the vermiculite a dynamic appearance similar to that of a real stone.

  • Accent

White Marble

  • Natural Recycle

    This material is a type of marble stone and made from carefully selected pulverized raw stones. It has a beautifully glittering finish.

  • Accent

Silica Stone(Ishikawalite)

  • Natural Recycle

    This is a natural material that is mainly composed of silica and made of pale yellowish white sandy pumice (rhyolite-based natural glass). This material is mainly used in products with earthen texture.

Pulp Chip

  • Natural Recycle

    The material is original to Fuji Kogyo Co., Ltd., granulated with paper powder from pulverized pulp and calcium carbonate. It has excellent workability, enabling our Wallcoverings to have various expressions.

  • Accent

Olefin Chip

  • Natural Recycle

    This material is obtained by pulverizing the resin cast used for shoe soles. It is soft, making it suitable for Wallcoverings with inconspicuous seams.

Rice Hulls

  • Natural Recycle

    This material is made from carefully selected pulverized rice hulls. It is used in products with earthen texture.